Best piece of the day. Thank you.

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Thanks Alex. Great piece. Love the Michael Ventura excerpt! Very inspiring.

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This is so valuable for seeing ourselves in the big picture, playing out an evolutionary story, sacred creatures in a sacred universe. A despairing humanity could take on serving the future and not just suffer in the present. I've been sharing this, that I got from David Lorimer, and will say something in my Stack that looks to what would be best to do.

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That's a wonderful piece of writing, and I also greatly appreciate the Michael Ventura quote. MV has given a reachable light post to hold onto. One enquiry if I may ... The words, "Mary Magdalene and the disciples fail to recognise him", jarred. Looking at the paragraph, if your sentence on the Christian myth followed the same style as the subsequent sentences in the paragraph, it might have read, "In Christianity, for instance, when Jesus is resurrected, he appears as an apparition of light. When Obi-Wan returns in Star Wars, it’s not in his corporeal body. When Gandalf reappears in Lord of the Rings, it’s as Gandalf the White, not Gandalf the Grey." So, I wondered why the first example is framed in terms of a perceived failure of the observers. And in any case, is it a failure? After having such a shock, (no body!, angels!!), MM is only momentarily confused but on hearing a voice speak her name, knows exactly who she is with. And the disciples, after seeing for themselves (they wouldn't take a woman's word for it), saw the same. Anyhow, I offer these, my thoughts, with respect for the wonderful work you've put together. Thank you again. I add another name if I may, to those archetypal characters (Obi Wan, Gandalf) .... Professor Dumbledore, appearing with Harry in King's Cross following the scene with the dead, the resurrection stone and the facing up to Voldemort.

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